If you are an educator, then it is imperative that you realise developing an ideal lesson will prove meaningless unless you are able to get your students
engaged. Hence, educators need to focus on getting learners involved in various activities in the classroom which will encourage thinking, interaction and
collaboration and get your students excited about learning. Believe it or not, one of the best ways to do this is using television sets in your classroom.
Read on....
Why you need television in the classroom
TV sets have been used in numerous classrooms around the globe since the past 50 years to promote learning and student engagement. Initially, TVs only
helped to show recorded lecture sessions and educational television shows. However, educational technology has advanced substantially since then. Many
classrooms now use various forms of EdTech to help students learn better.
With the help of television, modern educators can add zing to the classroom by incorporating television and other technology to create an engaged and
enhanced classroom. Now you can find a wide range of effective tools like whiteboards , Apple TVs and Smart TVs that can significantly help you in your
mission. Most educators, who utilise the latest tech in the classroom, use at least one of these tools. Smart TVs are almost like traditional television
sets with the added feature of being able to connect to the internet. This allows you to stream a wide range of programmes, apps and videos.
On the other hand, Apple TVs are advanced devices which you can use with iPads and projectors as well as a television set. These devices can also stream
similar to the Smart TVs. However, these also the information available on the iPad to be shown or broadcast on a projector. Many teachers also use
interactive whiteboards in their classrooms. Although these are not televisions technically, but you can connect them to a laptop or projector and use them
along with advanced televisions in order to replace the traditional DVD players and whiteboards.
Using multiple approaches
Technology in the classroom can allow you to effectively use multiple teaching approaches so that you can help every type of student to learn in a better
way. Televisions in the classroom allow learners to interact and receive information in different ways which best suits the individual needs of learners.
Flexibility in learning
Smart TVs offers enhanced flexibility to both teachers and students in learning. You can easily use relevant pictures and videos captured by students and
educators outside the classrooms on iPad or laptop can be used to encourage discussion and improve learning on a specific topic.
Access latest information
Encourage student participation
With the use of Smart TVs in the classroom, you will find it much easier to encourage your students to participate and collaborate effectively for an
enhanced learning experience. This can also inspire shy students to share their information who are usually shy and reserved in the classroom.
One of the first things you must do as an educator is to get your students excited about learning. Using televisions and other EdTech tools can help
teachers to improve the learning experience and make education a fun, engaging and valuable experience.
What do you think? Feel free to share your experiences and ideas with us by commenting below. We would love to hear from you.