Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Center for Innovation in Technology and Learning Build New Tech Classrooms

Lehigh University recently developed the Center for Innovation in Technology and Learning with the establishment of 4 new classrooms equipped with cutting edge technology. This will offer both teachers and students with an ideal learning environment that will encourage young minds to prosper and grow.


New Classrooms For Better Learning

The new classrooms are developed specifically to enable learners to participate in group discussions and use technology efficiently while studying or working. These classrooms provide a lot of benefits to the students like, Lehigh Technology and Research and Communication writing fellows. These experts utilize the area to edit papers of students and interact with learners they are teaching. The fellows particularly utilise the CITL-TRAC programme house that consists of numerous tables and chairs which have been designed to support group communication. In this room, the TRAC 100 seminar is also conducted and the walls are adorned in whiteboard paint. This allows the learners to effectively express themselves and their ideas.

A Better Learning Experience

TRAC fellows and learners are able to make use of the CITL Commons, a room which has a more casual appearance and includes tables which can be utilised for studying by the learners. There is also an 80 inch laptop ready screen, a public printer and a digital bulletin board in the room. Students can easily access all these resources to complete their assignments and present their projects on the the large 80 inch screen or even utilise the digital bulletin board to build their ideas about various projects.


17 year old Sanjana Chintalapudi has been a working as a TRAC fellow for the last 2 years. She claimed that prior to the establishment of a designated space, Sanjana barely met other TRAC fellow colleagues; except for when a writing conference was held in the same location. She said “It’s more concrete and a space designed for what we need”

Sanjana also focused on the fact that the new space helps to improve the program and make it more of a community. The area includes a specific section where everyone is allowed and may also be utilised for conferencing. The is also a space which meant to be used only by TRAC fellows. She added “Previously, TRAC fellows would have to find their own space in Lucy’s, Rauch or Saxby’s to conference with kids.”

Using Education Technology

There is another room in the CITL Classroom that is equipped with different technologies which may be used by educators to enhance their students' learning experience. There is a 98 inch ultra high definition touch screen display which may be used to display various types of images and videos. The screen may be used as a digital whiteboard as well and enables learners to video conference with other students and teachers from different parts of the world.

Professor Ziad Munson, who teaches political sociology class, said “We use the technology room for a lab where students get hands-on experience applying the concepts they are learning in class and synthesizing class ideas to understand real world situations and issues.”

What do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with us by commenting below.

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How Can An Online Top-Up Degree Help A Student To Get Effective Results?

One of the chief needs of the investors and the employers of today’s world indicates towards the skilled demonstration of effective and technical methods when it comes to the point of profession. These technical methods remain ineffective though without the proper knowledge executing such applicable operations.

Online Education
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Perhaps you got the answer. You do need a top-up degree program to increase your knowledge and the usability of your technical skills. If such education is offered through online, then it indicates only to the growing privileges and other benefits.

When do you need the degree?

You have got to know when you may require a top-up degree. The relevancy about the proper time for the inauguration of the degree bares high level importance. This fact should never be ignored.

You need a top-up degree when you have successfully completed your HND or Higher National Diploma or any Foundation degree. The purpose of starting the top-up degree program adds to the need or urge of further expansion of your educational qualification as well as applicable techniques.

Benefits of a top-up degree program

An online top-up degree provides a lot of advantageous benefits for the learners. Come, let’s have a look at some of the beneficial privileges:
Anytime and Anywhere learning: It enables you to follow your education and to be up to dated with your faculty whenever and wherever you require. It will add to the further advantages of the availability of education.
Availability of content: You can get access to the educational content whenever and wherever you want.
Convenient payment options: It is also one of the advantages that support affordable studying. You may pay when you want to pay. Various convenient payment options are included in the online learning for top-up degree programs. Another benefit is that there is also the access to the student loans if needed.

What will you get?

The benefits of an online top-up degree are mentioned. It will eventually help you to effectively implement your applicable skills that will try aiming towards your growth of the required knowledge and your better performance in the platform of your profession. It will satisfy your requirement of your desired knowledge as well as the employers’ professional needs from you. Added to this the top-up degree will provide you the access to other employment opportunities or may guide you to a different but better career.

Let’s get a bright future


If you want yourself to be placed in the better career opportunities or broader employment options, then you better start thinking about the upgrading of your educational qualification now. You have to keep this indelible thought in you that the job-market always wants the skillful combination of your education and applicable techniques and not just any one of them. Your career will definitely gain a fruitful improvement if you just take the first step to study the top-up degree program.

What do you think? Feel free to share your own thoughts and views by commenting below.

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