Thursday, January 8, 2015

UK Higher Education Financing System Is Risky, Says Study

Are you planning to earn a UK degree? Although a recognised degree from a UK University can substantially help you in advancing your career, but with rising tuition fees many students are now having second thoughts. In this scenario, does it make sense to get a degree from UK? Is there any other alternative that will help you to avoid student debts? 

Let’s have a look.... 

Rising tuition fees and risky financing options have become a serious challenge for many aspirants who wish to earn a university degree from the United Kingdom. According to a recent report, drastic changes in financing higher education in the UK in the last 2 years have made the scenario more complicated. The report has been prepared by the Higher Education Commission which comprises of representatives from education and business and a group of MPs. 

Experts Say Higher Education Is Risky...
The study reveals that the existing system of student loans and tuition fees is the worst around the globe and it is impossible to sustain this system in the coming years. The report states “An experiment is under way, with potential consequences for English HE stretching decades into the future.” It points out that although heavy investment is being made by the government, it is receiving no credit whatsoever. The students believe that there is no possibility of earning affordable UK university degree as they are ending up paying considerably more in spite of getting their debts written off. Moreover, universities are rolling in money received from tuition fee; when grants have been reduced and fee income has been unable to escalate with inflation. The report claims “We have created a system where everyone feels they are getting a bad deal and this is not sustainable.” 

Ruth Thompson, the author of the report and ex-senior civil servant in charge of higher education, believes that the level of consensus was remarkable bearing its political importance. She thinks it imperative that we confront these issues. Thompson said “If everybody were to ignore the importance of debating what to do next and everyone said nothing needed doing, that everything is as it should be, that would be concerning.” 

We Need A New Approach...
The Higher Education Commission study believes that a new model is required. It requests the government reassess, re-evaluate and also to follow the recommendations made by the committee. Thompson claims that the commission approves the notion of both the state and students contributing. Moreover it believes that the current higher education funding system in UK is sturdy enough to face some instability. However, there is serious cause for concern when we consider the scenario in the next 5 years, she says. Thompson adds “This is a long-term area where if we don’t learn and think and deliberate in advance, we can run into trouble.”
But as the government and experts strive to find out a better solution, what can you do to earn a UK degree by avoiding huge debts? How can you acquire an affordable degree from UK University without paying high tuition fees? 

Go The Smarter Way
If you wish to progress your career ahead by earning a UK qualification and avoiding student debts, then the best option for you is to get UK university degree online at an affordable price. By going online, you will easily get to avoid high tuition fees and risky financing options that might jeopardise your future career. Online higher education programmes from UK colleges and universities follow high standards of education which assures that you will get the best learning experience. You will earn accredited degrees and diplomas that are accepted and recognised by institutes, businesses and employers worldwide. 

With an online degree you will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge which you can apply effectively at your work. This will boost your professional efficiency and performance. So if you are keen on earning an easy-on-the-pocket qualification from UK, then online UK education is the way to go. 

What do you think about earning a UK degree? Share your views and opinions with us. We would love to hear from you.

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