Monday, November 3, 2014

How Can You Inspire And Engage Adult Learners For Your eLearning Course?


It can surely be a daunting task to design and develop online learning deliverables which inspire, engage and motivate adult learners. Although there can be some unique challenges in creating high quality deliverables, but you can develop effective and useful learning experiences for adult learners by following some tips and techniques. You can easily implement these tips in creating online training events and eLearning courses. 

Here are our top tips for designing engaging learning deliverables for adult learners- 

Keep It Relevant
When developing educational programmes for adult learners, you need to make sure they are relevant. Will your online learning programme provide them the needed skill sets? How will your online training event deliver the information they require to enhance their expertise? It is imperative that the content is relevant else your adult learners will not be interested in pursuing your programme. 

Incorporate Encouraging Activities 
Learners, especially adult ones, absorb more knowledge when they actively participate in the learning process. Create assignments and activities which will motivate them to explore various subject matters by themselves and learn through personal experience. By gathering knowledge and information on their own, adult learners will get encouraged to follow other aspects of online education and self study. 

Consider Background Of Learners
One of the best things about adult students is that they had already gathered some education, knowledge and life experience, unlike younger learners. Hence consider the educational background and experience of your adult audiences while developing eLearning deliverables for them. 

Provide Immediate Feedback 
By offering instant feedback and pointing out their errors, you can make the learning experience more effective and powerful. This will help your learners to learn from their mistakes and understand the consequences of their errors. 

Use Emotionally-Driven Content
When your learners feel emotionally linked with the subject matter, then they will quickly become engaged. Emotionally-driven content will enable adult students to absorb and retain new information more efficiently. By using written content, graphics and images, you can develop relevant and potent content. 

Focus On Real-World Benefits
Your online course must offer real world benefits to your adult learners and they should to be informed about the advantages beforehand. This will help you learners to understand the purpose for learning and keep them excited and motivated. 

Teach In Small Chunks
While developing content, you should be aware of cognitive overload. Hence you need to divide the content into smaller parts and avoid larger texts. Moreover you also need to develop smaller modules and focus on particular subject matters. 

Use Storytelling And Avatars 
By using storytelling you can make the content and subject matters relatable and interesting and adult learners. Moreover by using avatars you can steer them through different modules and help in understanding and retaining knowledge. 

Develop Convenient Deliverables 
It has been observed that adult learners tend to study when they are on-the-go. Hence you need to make your online deliverables easily accessible on various mobile devices across platforms. When your deliverables can be completed conveniently and quickly, your learners will be able to comprehend and absorb information anywhere and anytime. 

So there you have it folks....these tips will give you the power to engage and inspire adult learners and by developing powerful motivating eLearning deliverables. 

Do I think I missed out something? Would you like to add your own list? Then simply comment below. We would love to hear from you.

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